| 2013-2014 North Clackamas County Chamber of Commerce Business Directory
amascus is a very special place
entering a period of transformation
fromamore rural community intoamore
developed area. Nestled within buttes,
adorned with evergreens and stunning
views of Mt. Hood and the Clackamas
River, Damascus offers venues for year-
round outdoor recreational opportuni-
ties and community gatherings.
November 2, 2013 marks Damascus’
9-year anniversary as an incorporated
city. The City embraces its mission to
work alongside its citizens to provide
a complete community where people
can live, work, shop, play and learn.
The Damascus City Council and staff
continue to work closely with the citi-
zens of Damascus and regional part-
ners to develop a city following sus-
tainable development practices which
protect the wealth of natural resources
and nurtures a viable visitor friendly
community while defending the prop-
erty rights of its citizens.
Visitors from around the world are
attracted to the sheer beauty of this
quaint community nestled in forest-
ed buttes and enriched with farm-
lands, nurseries and home based
businesses. Exceptional views of Mt.
Hood greet visitors as they travel
eastbound through Damascus. To
the southwest travelers and residents
alike enjoy the Clackamas River, re-
nowned for its salmon and steelhead
fishing and great rafting opportuni-
ties. Visitors will experience a wel-
coming, friendly atmosphere as they
patronize our local shops, businesses
and restaurants.
See more at the City of
Damascus website.
Day in Damascus
is a community event
that takes place throughout the city and
includes many free activities such as live
entertainment, safety fair, dog show, petting
zoo, artisans and farmer’s market and games.
There is food and a silent auction.
Last Saturday in July
10:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Make Damascus Shine
is a city-wide clean-
up of the park, roads, and neighborhoods.
First Saturday in May.
Good Morning Damascus
is a meeting of
the Civic Organizations in Damascus.
2nd Friday of each month
7:30 am -8:30 am
City of
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