Indians: Changing their stripes
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Fall Sports
2013 season preview
he Vikings have a
couple of key
returners this year,
notably quarterback Drexler
They also have a new head
coach, Dan Leighton, who
was happy with the start of
their season.
Their first game was an
exhibition match against GW
Graham, a Canadian team.
Leighton gave varsity the
first half and JV the second
half, letting him have an
opportunity to see everyone’s
“Our varsity played
extremely well,” he said,
adding that the offensive line
pleased him more than any-
Senior running back
Rhedyn Stanczyk had eight
carries. “He’s showing good
rushing skills,” Leighton
said. Junior Thomas Stone
also played well, rushing for
39 yards in six carries.
Starting the season with a
win gave the team and
Leighton confidence.
However, the second game
of the season (also non-
league) didn’t end as well.
They lost to Valley Catholic
Despite the mixed begin-
ning, the team has set their
sights on playoffs.
Colton football
Coach: Dan Leighton
Key returners: Dane
Norton, Drexler Hall,
Scott-Michael Germany,
Charlie Gilpin, Will
Wimsatt, Nick Finch and
Jacob Imdieke.
Key losses: Jerod Jones,
Brennan Olsen and
Nathaniel Payne
2012 record
Overall: 6-4
League: 2-4
Vikings: Confident,
hoping for state
Cory Mimms
Molalla Pioneer
Molalla volleyball
Head Coach: Carol Grauer
Key losses: Katie Hagler and
Corinne Guest
Key returners: Ashley
Johnson, Helen Daniels,
Janelle Ferlan and Katelin
2012 record
Overall: 8-8
League: 4-6
Colton volleyball
Coach: Linda Rasor
Key losses: Pam Irving and
Kate Kobeilsky
Key returners: Mikaela
Shelton, Joslyn Stansfield and
Monica Poet
2012 record
Overall: 8-15
League: 4-10
Country Christian volleyball
Coach: Janin McGrath
Key losses: Taylor Rasor and
HaiLee Richardson
Key returners: Miranda
Halverson, Courtney McGrath
and Kennedy Nofziger
2012 record
Overall: 16-8
League: 9-5
wo games into the
season, the Indians
have one loss and
one win behind them. The
first game, against Sweet
Home, ended in a close 3-2
win. The girls showed a lot
of talent, particularly Helen
Daniels, Ashley Johnson and
Haley Thrower in the attack
In the back row, Ashley
Alexander was very strong.
She dug in and made good
passes. Compliment
Alexander with Katelin
Satyna, who is fast, doesn’t
think twice about leaping for
a save, and is an excellent
setter, and the team becomes
very competitive.
he Vikings opened
their season with
two non-league
losses this year. The first
was against Delphian on
Saturday, Aug. 31, the sec-
ond against Willamina on
Thursday, Sept. 5.
But they also played
Saturday, Sept. 7, against
Gaston and came out with
the win. It’s difficult to pre-
dict how the rest of the sea-
son will go. They play their
first league game on Sept.
10 against Dayton.
The Vikings changed
head coaches this year.
Linda Rasor stepped in.
Rasor said Mikaela
Shelton, Joslyn Stansfield
and Melanie Collaco all
played well in their first
games, and Rasor pushed
the team beyond what
they’re used to.
“We tried different rota-
tions, mixed it up and com-
peted well,” she said.
On offense, they have
two really good setters:
Stansfield and Shelton.
Their strongest hitters are
Monica Poet and Paige
The back row will see
Collaco, Megan McCoy
and Rachel McCoy.
Building a coordinated,
communicative team is part
of Rasor’s focus. “My new
philosophy is to think out-
side the box,” she said.
Indians: Fighting for more wins
Vikings: Changing philosophies
Cougars: Playing like seniors
he Cougars are a
young team this
year, mostly sopho-
mores and juniors. Though
they opened their season with
a 3-1 loss to Portland
Christian, they proved they
knew their fundamentals.
They made good passes and
precise attacks.
Miranda Halverson and
Anicca Monaghan lead the
way for them.
Monaghan, who saw little
floor time last year, covered
the backcourt as libero. Her
serve is clean and she can
reload quickly.
oach Kaleb
Mitchell was hope-
ful preseason. They
added a new defensive coor-
dinator, Paul Roher, who
brought with him 33 years of
coaching experience. The
team looked good all sum-
mer, in training camps and
practices. They donned fresh
jerseys and painted their
locker rooms black and
orange for the first home
game. They won 46-19.
No doubt, their first home
game was a success (pro-
nounced: tromping).
But the Indians opened the
season with a 28-55 loss in
North Bend on Aug. 30.
Granted, North Bend is a
stronger team than Stayton.
They went to state last year
and were 11-2 overall.
Of the North Bend game,
Mitchell said his team played
hard, but they made mistakes
they hadn’t made all summer.
“We simply couldn’t get out
of our own way,” he said.
The Indians opened last
season with a 31-58 loss to
North Bend and a 27-42 loss
to Stayton.
This season, they have one
loss and one win early on,
but both with major spreads
in the points. The loss against
North Bend could have been
due to first-game jitters—
they might have simply need-
ed a game to smooth out
their play. But they also
could have gotten lucky in
the game against Stayton.
In either case, it’s difficult
to say how the season will go
for them. They’ve improved
early, and there’s still two
non-league games left before
they jump into conference
play on Friday, Sept. 27.
A large group of freshmen
joined the team this year. The
coaches are keeping their
eyes on them, but so far none
of them are slotted for varsity
Photos by Cory Mimms
Above: Ashley LaPointe set up Courtney McGrath for the attack. Center: Katelin Satyna
sends one over the net in the Indian’s first game.
Molalla football
Head Coach: Kaleb Mitchell
Key losses: Alex McGann and
Jed Norberg
Key returners: Rowdy
Edwards and Brody Olson
2012 record
Overall Record: 2-8
League Record: 1-4
Photo courtesy of Gina Bilyeu
The new look: During the first home game, the Indians donned new jerseys and came out of freshly painted locker rooms.
Phone: (503)829-2301
Molalla Pioneer
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
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