Chehalem Business Connection
Page 3
September 2013
all of that. Lewis Audio Video
can help you “tame the beast”
that is home electronics and
put you back in control. The
business is all about integra-
tion and building a “smart” re-
mote control that takes all of
that amazing technology and
puts it in the palm of your
hand … and is simple enough
for a child to use.
— Lewis
Audio Video has been a leader
in home entertainment tech-
nology since 1981. But did
you know they are equally ca-
pable of bringing the latest
technologies to your business
as well? Most recently, they
have done projects for the
Chehalem Cultural Center,
The Allison Inn and Spa and
several school and civic proj-
ects in Sherwood, Newberg
and Beaverton. They can cre-
ate custom solutions for the
unique problems faced by
businesses trying to utilize
technology in the workplace.
Technological advances have
brought many new opportuni-
ties that didn’t exist even a
few years ago. The business
invites you to call and discuss
how you can leverage new
technology in your business.
— Concerned
about home security? Lewis
Audio Video can help there,
too. The business offers com-
plete security systems and
surveillance monitoring, all
customized and simplified to
make ensuring your peace of
mind, the system aesthetically
pleasing and, if you like, re-
motely accessible. At home or
on the road, you will always
be master of your domain.
Lewis Audio Video is lo-
cated at 2112 Highway 99W
in Newberg. It can be reached
at 503-538-1190 or lewisav.
Lewis Audio Video:
Company offers commercial, security applications
Continued from page two
B Collision began in 1993 as a
restoration and specialty colli-
sion repair shop focusing on
Corvettes and collector cars. To keep
up with the demands of its customers, the
shop found it needed to expand into a
full-service collision repair facility, bring-
ing to it the same quality and attention to
detail as before.
Expert collision repair —
If you’ve
been in an accident, choosing the right
shop could make all the difference when
it comes to maintaining the safety and
value of your investment. Whether it’s a
brand new automobile or collectible clas-
sic, you can be assured that DB Collision
understands the latest in repair technolo-
gy and the specific needs of your vehicle.
All of its technicians are fully trained and
certified to provide the highest quality re-
pair service in the area, and at an afford-
able price. From cosmetic and structural
repairs to the final finish and detail of
your vehicle, all of its repairs are backed
by a lifetime written warranty.
Don’t get steered —
When an acci-
dent occurs, you have the right to choose
who repairs your vehicle. Don’t let an in-
surance company deny you the highest
quality repair just because it wants to
save money on your claim. DB Collision
works directly with all insurance compa-
nies to make things easier for you. It will
handle every aspect of the repair, includ-
ing negotiating the best possible claim for
your case, arranging a rental car, provid-
ing deductible assistance and making sure
each vehicle is fixed to the customer’s
satisfaction, getting you behind the wheel
again as quickly as possible.
Personalize your ride with a custom
paint job —
In addition to collision re-
pair, DB Collision offers complete cus-
Has your vehicle been damaged in a
crash? DB Collision is there to help
Please read more about DB Collision on page four
Please read more about varicose
veins on page four
Regardless of the level of damage or the age of the car, DB Collision can get your vehicle looking like new and do it professionally with an eye toward customer service.
The Newberg auto body shop offers local residents expert automotive repair
What are varicose veins?
Varicose veins are twisted,
enlarged veins near the sur-
face of the skin. They are
most common in the legs and
ankles. They usually aren’t
serious, but they can some-
times lead to other problems.
What causes varicose
Varicose veins are caused
by weakened valves and veins
in your legs. Normally, one-
way valves in your veins keep
blood flowing from your legs
up toward your heart. When
these valves do not work as
they should, blood collects in
your legs, and pressure builds
up. The veins become weak,
large and twisted.
Varicose veins often run in
families. Aging also increases
your risk.
Being overweight or preg-
nant or having a job where
you must stand for long peri-
ods of time increases pressure
on leg veins. This can lead to
varicose veins.
What are the symptoms?
Varicose veins look dark
blue, swollen and twisted
under the skin. Some people
do not have any symptoms.
Mild symptoms may include:
H e a v i n e s s , b u r n i n g ,
aching, tiredness or pain in
your legs. Symptoms may be
worse after you stand or sit
for long periods of time.
PNMC can
help with your
varicose veins
The medical center
touts education and
treatment for the
common malady
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