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Laurie Monnes Anderson
Laurie Monnes Anderson
is a registered nurse who’s been East
County’s State Senator since 2004. Over
the years, she’s gained a reputation as a
local leader who shows how much she
cares for East County and its people each
and every day.
In the Legislature, Laurie has worked hard
to make sure Mt. Hood Community College
has the funding necessary to provide job
skills training and education for people
looking for new and better jobs. She’s also supported measures
providing small businesses greater access to capital so they can put
people back to work. And for families facing foreclosure, Laurie has
supported increased homeowner protections.
As a nurse, Laurie often dealt with children and families coping
with the ravages of drug addiction. That’s why she’s been such an
active supporter of the local gang task force, which does so much
to reduce drug-related crime in our area.
Laurie Monnes Anderson is a Willamette University graduate
and she obtained her MA at the University of Colorado and BSN
from Radford University. Laurie lives in Gresham, has two grown
children, and loves golfing and gardening.
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