Clackamas Review, Wednesday, October 30, 2013
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Local Business Profiles
438894.050113 CRWW
Milwaukie - The Healing Place
10330 SE 32nd Ave., Suite #330
for an appointment
The Main Office - Portland
301 NE Knott St.
General Dermatology
Our providers treat all benign and malignant skin growths and tumors along with
rashes and other skin, hair and nail problems using the latest therapies.
Skin Cancer Treatment/Procedural Dermatology
We offer a variety of treatment options for skin cancers including Mohs Micrographic
surgery, topical chemotherapy, destruction, primary excision and where appropriate,
referral for radiation therapy. Our goal is to select the best treatment option for a given
cancer scenario, while educating you on all of the reasonable choices.
Acne Treatment
Acne knows few age limitations. We consistently see an many 30-50 year old female
patients with persistent facial acne as teenagers. Our office offers many anti acne
strategies including traditional oral and topical antibiotics, isotretinoin (Accutane™),
hormonal therapies, Bluelight, Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) etc., depending on the
particular needs of the patients.
Narrow Band UVB
Present in natural sunlight, ultraviolet light B (UVB) is an effective treatment for
psoriasis, eczema and other chronic skin disorders. We offer Narrow Band UVB treat-
ments for conditions. UVB penetrates the skin and slows the abnormally rapid growth
of skin cells associated with conditions such as psoriasis.
Chronic Rash Sufferers
Our office offers patch testing for allergic contact dermatitis which can be the underly-
ing cause of a chronic rash.. Patches contain the North American Contact Dermatitis
Society’s core allergen list which includes certain substances that can be found in
jewelry, skin care products, soaps, cosmetics, fragrances and clothing. All testing is
first prior authorized through insurance so patients will be aware of any out of pocket
Cosmetic Procedures
• Laser Treatments • Blue Light Treatments • Facial Filler • Spa Treatments:
Peels, Facials, Waxing • Skin Care Products • Sclerotherapy
r. Eric Hanson, Dr. Heh Shin
Kwak, Dr. Aaron Loyd, Dr Kar-
en Minzer-Conzetti, and Craig
Schultz, FNP, all practice medical and
surgical dermatology with their primary
focus on the patient’s overall skin health.
Dr. Hanson, Dr. Kwak, and Dr. Loyd (who
is also a dermapathologist) primarily focus
on removing skin cancers using a specific
style of tissue-sparing surgery calledMohs
surgery. .
Dr Hanson’s primary focus is on re-
moving skin cancers using specific style
of tissue-sparing surgery. Quoting the
American Society for Mohs Surgery,
“Mohs surgery is a highly effective treat-
ment for certain types of skin cancer. It is
an exacting procedure in which the der-
matologist performs both surgical exci-
sion of the skin cancer and microscopic
examination of the surgical margins to
ensure that all skin cancer cells have been
They have a unique approach to sched-
uling, offering highly coveted same day
appointments for urgent problems like
rashes and fast growing lesions. In order
to be able to accommodate these prob-
lems in a timely manner, patients will be
limited to one problem. Additional con-
cerns can be booked into our regular clin-
ic on a next available appointment basis.
Book Online
Dr. Eric Hanson, Dr. Heh Shin Kwak, Dr. Aaron Loyd, Dr Karen Minzer-Conzetti, and
Craig Schultz, FNP
Knott Street Dermatology
448392.103013 CRWW
If you have a community event that you would
like Oregon Impact or the Child Safety Seat
Resource Center to be a part of, please contact
us at 503.643.5620 or send us an email -
Oregon Impact is a non-profit agency that provides education and awareness
programs to schools, at businesses and community events on impaired & dis-
tracted driving as well as conducting the Clackamas County DUI Impact Panel.
Executive Director Janelle Lawrence and a dedicated
group of volunteers work diligently to stop the prevent-
able losses caused by the decision of drivers who get
behind the wheel under the influence by sharing their ex-
periences while encouraging people to make good choices
when driving. “Oregon Impact is able to reach throughout
Oregon and start conversations” said Lawrence. “Along
with impaired driving we are also offering information on
distracted driving, which is causing a significant number
of injuries and fatality crashes.” When talking about DUI
crashes one of our tools is our Mobile Educational Crash
Car Trailer which contains a car that was involved in a
fatality crash in Oregon City. “We have all seen a crash
on the side of the road or perhaps been involved in one
ourselves” Lawrence added “but with the trailer you have
the opportunity to be up close and really see the devastation that one bad deci-
sion can cause.”
Oregon Impact has expanded their mission to include car seat resources at
The website allows Oregon Impact to provide informa-
tion to ensure that even the smallest Oregonians arrive safely at their destina-
tions. “We are offering safety tips, car seat clinics and resources” commented
Lawrence. “Having a Certified Car Seat Technician to ensure your child is riding
as safely as possible is a real peace of mind for caregivers.” Nationwide 75% of
car seats and booster seats in use are not installed properly and will not func-
tion correctly in the event of a crash.
Janelle Lawrence
Executive Director
450096.103013 CRWW
One of 5 accredited dentists
in Oregon, Dr. Stafford will
help you create the smile
of your dreams.
Lets start planning!
Stafford Smiles 5th Annual
Everyone is
Prizes for all!
16144 SE Happy Valley
Town Center Dr.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
3:00 - 5:00PM
$1.00 per
1,2,3,4,5 7,8