As Executive Director
of the
Home Builders
, I am so
proud of the NW Natu-
ral Street of Dreams.
The homes on the street demonstrate the lat-
est technology, creativity, and luxury that we
would all love to have. Each home shows off
the many talents, skills and professionalism
of the home building industry. It is their finest
But the NW Natural Street of Dreams build-
ers and many other builders, suppliers, and
subcontractors are equally proud of the work
they do through the Home Builders Founda-
tion. Let it be known that the more than 1,100
members of the Home Builders Association
and others in the home building industry
work just as hard at providing housing for the
homeless. There is no Street of Homeless Shel-
ters that you can tour, because the projects
are scattered all over the Portland area. In just
the past six years, the Foundation has built or
renovated buildings containing 30,000 square
feet of space valued at nearly $3 million. These
shelters added 150 new beds that provide
safe, dignified shelter to over 500 people
each year. Completion of each of these shelter
projects is another “finest” hour for the home
building industry.
A recent example of the Foundation’s work
is the renovation of a 4-plex in Beaverton that
serves as transitional housing for homeless
youth. Beaverton Mayor, Denny Doyle, re-
quested help from the Foundation to address
the alarming rate of homelessness among
Beaverton School District students. Six formal-
ly homeless youth now call the 4-plex home,
which is owned and managed by Boys and
Girls Aid. over $50,000 in donated labor and
materials were provided by members of the
Home Builders Association and others in the
home building industry.
The HBF also recently completed a major
renovation of a former nursing home in NE
Portland to create transitional housing for
homeless men. The facility is operated by the
Portland Rescue Mission to provide addiction
recovery services, including counseling and
job placement assistance. The Foundation’s
contribution of nearly $500,000 in donated
labor and materials towards the facilities $1.1
million cost makes it the largest project of its
kind for the Foundation. Residential capacity
was increased from 14 to 40 beds.
This summer the Foundation will begin ren-
ovation of the Goose Hollow Family Shelter,
one of only two family shelters in Multnomah
County, which has never been remodeled in
its entire 20-year history. The remodel calls for
a new kitchen, new carpeting and furniture,
and redesign and renovation of the shelter’s
laundry facility. Plans are also underway to
build a transitional living facility for at-risk
youth leaving foster care. Nearly 30 percent of
at-risk youth leaving oregon’s foster care sys-
tem become homeless within a year. The facil-
ity will be operated in partnership with New
Avenues for Youth and Bridge Meadows.
To make all these shelter projects come to
life, the Home Builders Foundation is always
looking for volunteers, including home build-
ers and remodelers who direct the building
and renovation work of the Foundation, and
volunteers who can assist with smaller shel-
ter painting, repair, and landscaping proj-
ects. And we also need volunteers for special
events such as the Foundation’s annual Ben-
efit Auction and Gala. The Benefit Auction and
Gala on April 5, 2013 provided over $180,000
which will provide funding to complete our
homeless projects in 2013-14. If any of these
volunteer opportunities appeal to you, do not
hesitate to call me.
Just as important as volunteering, I want
you to know that the Foundation is a 501(c)3
nonprofit organization and all donations are
deeply appreciated and tax deductible. If you
missed the opportunity to donate $1 when
you purchased your Street of Dreams tickets,
please stop by the ticket office on your way
out, and help the Foundation continue its
fight to solve homelessness. or contact me as
noted below and we can accept your contri-
bution to the Foundation.
For more information and to volunteer your
time or resources, visit www.buildhopepdx.org
or call (503) 684-1880.
Ken Cowdery,
Executive Director