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By Jon Bell
For the HBA
Tom Kelly returned from the recent Harvard
University Joint Center for Housing Studies
Remodeling Futures Conference with a bit
of a renewed spring in his step. The reason?
The center is forecasting 20 percent growth
for the remodeling industry across the nation
this year.
“They have a pretty positive outlook for the
next three to five years, which is very encour-
aging,” said Kelly, president of remodeling
stalwart Neil Kelly. “I’m more optimistic than I
have been in five years. I’m just really excited
about what the future brings.”
Such renewed optimism comes at a good
time for remodelers, many of whom, like their
homebuilding counterparts, haven’t had as
much to be excited about over the past few
years. Not only is May National Remodel-
ing Month — and also Oregon Remodeling
Month, as made official by Gov. John Kitzha-
ber — but new data, new trends and an im-
proved economic outlook are all pointing to
good things for remodeling this year.
“My phone started ringing the first Monday
of the year and I’ve never had so many calls,”
said Patrick Richardson, owner of Murrayhill
Remodeling. “I’m seeing a lot of pent-up de-
mand, where people are saying forget it, I’m
not scared anymore, I’m going to do what I’ve
got to do.”
Richardson’s take is backed by a recent
survey conducted by the popular remodel-
ing and design web site Houzz. The site’s
2013 Houzz & Home survey, which included
100,000 responses, found that 53 percent of
those surveyed believe that now is a good
time to remodel; 58 percent of those planning
projects in the next two years will hire profes-
sionals for the job. The survey also found that
fewer homeowners are delaying their projects
because of the economy.
“I don’t want to use hyperbole here or any-
thing,” Kelly said, “but it feels like we’re finally
putting the slowdown and the recession be-
hind us.”
Trends of the times
Along with the upswing in remodeling
have come some popular trends in design,
architecture and renovation.
Garrison Hullinger, principal at Garrison
Hullinger Interior Design, said there’s been a
big focus on practicality of late.
“Our mantra is really bringing practicality
to every project,” he said. “That means using
practical surfaces and materials that are aes-
thetically pleasing but also easy to use and
care for over the years.”
One example: new porcelain tiles that mim-
ic natural stone. Not only are they more cost-
effective and easier to care for, but they look
like the real deal.
Hullinger has also seen a shift away from
dark wood flooring back to white oak and
lighter finishes. Though the ebonized floor-
ing is nice to look at, Hullinger said it shows
scratches and dirt much more than other op-
tions — “and most families just don’t want to
deal with that.”
Last fall, Kelly asked his designers to put
together their list of design trend predictions
for 2013, and many of them have material-
ized. Among them: the rise of quartz as a pre-
ferred countertop over granite; cleaner, more
contemporary kitchen cabinets; engineered
Home Builders AssociAtion of metropolitAn portlAnd •
mAy, 2013
HBF Auction is highest
grossing ever
VIPs and HBA members raised
$235K to help Portland’s
homeless populations.
—See page 2
Chili Cook Off!
The circus is coming to
town! Or rather, it’s coming to
the HBA as the Annual Divine
9 Chili Cook-off. This year’s
over the (big) top offerings
will include Brother Luke’s
Traveling Salvation Show,
LEWIS AV Flying Circus, Lisac’s
Crazy Carnies and many more!
The art of delegation
The most highly effective
managers have two things in
common: a clean desk and a
capable team. You are only as
strong as your weakest team
member. If you can’t rely upon
another individual, it’s time to
evaluate and make a change.
UP INDUSTRY, page 11
Residential density a
constant challenge
Our industry has always
been a proponent of a mix
of housing, from denser
developments to single-family
detached homes. However, the
region’s push towards density
in recent years has begun to
create problems and pushback
from the public.
Individual taste leads
design trends
The contemporary look is
just one of the many popular
design and building trends that
Portland is seeing these days.
From single level homes to
rooms for outdoor gear, there’s
a little bit of everything out
there for everyone right now.
EcoVative BuildRight
Conference shines
With a fresh name and improved
offerings, BuildRight is a success
for presentors, vendors and
—See page 18
By Steve Heiteen,
2013 HBA President
The Top
While realizing that it was time
to write this month’s article for
the HBN, and having not yet
started anything, I noticed one
of those small books you see at
point of purchase areas in some
Well, I found one at my home
and not knowing how it got it
there, I took a quick glance at it.
The title is How Successful People
It made me immediately think
of our association members. You
folks reading this are the cream
of the housing industry, and if
you are reading this then you
have been successful in weather-
ing many tough economic years.
You are also likely successful in
many others ways in your life.
I believe the chapters of this
book identify what we are all
considering in our jobs and busi-
nesses daily. Here are some of
Cultivate “big picture” think-
ing: How does my company fit
into the building community,
where are we going in the future,
and what opportunities are in
front of us?
Utilize strategic thinking: Have
a business plan and work that
plan, make adjustments as need-
ed and monitor your results. Fail-
ure to plan equals planning to
Benefit from shared thinking:
Let others know your plans, your
challenges and aspirations. The
information from your associates
can lead the way to opportunities
you may have not considered.
Rely on bottom line thinking:
Are our activities really leading
us to our goals? Can we identify
things in our day that distract us
and minimize those goals? Is your
team aligned with those aspira-
I believe the more we think
about how we think in our busi-
ness life, the closer we get to our
Remodeling takes center stage in May
This Garrison Hullinger design shows porcelain tile applied on the fireplace to mimic travertine, a form of limestone. The tile is easier
to maintain and has a longer lifespan.
National Remodeling Month arrives with a positive economic outlook and exciting trends
May is
( l o w - p r e s s u r e )
Drive Month!
Bring a non-member friend or colleague for FREE to
some fun events in May and you could win a prize!
Found out how easy it is for you to help us meet our
goal and give someone the gift of HBA membership.
Keep your eye on the ball
throughout this edition of
The Home Building News for all the related events!
See pages 4 & 15 for more detai ls!