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AUGUST, 2013
ater Environment
e seeking partici-
ent practices and
ndards, plus Hill-
Over 65 friendly HBA members
and their guests joined us at the
HBA’s JMG Conference Center for
July’s Lunch.Learn.Link. featur-
ing Rudy Kadlub of Costa Pacific
Homes. Over a delicious lunch
provided by the HBA’s own Cel-
ebrate Catering company, HBA
President Steve Heiteen intro-
duced the new members and
guests in the crowd. New mem-
bers in attendance included
Steve Rosario and David Cohen of
Rock Bottom Tile & Stone;
Rappold of
Rappold Property
Lori Rush of
Mentoring Services;
Altree of
E Cubed;
Jody Bailey
Building a Better America
and Pamela Chipman of
Red Flower Productions.
included companies such as
Devine Color, Wells Fargo Home
Mortgage, Broad River Financial,
and others.
Rudy proved to be an engaging
and light-hearted speaker who
made use of his first career in col-
lege football to draw analogies
to his business and team-build-
ing style. It was while coaching
football at Boise State University
that Rudy branched out into real
estate, eventually establishing
Costa Pacific Homes which was
one of the first developers in the
country to embrace what Rudy
calls “high-density, transit-orient-
ed, mixed-use development” and
translate it into award-winner
master-planned communities.
Rudy’s first master-planned com-
munity is Orenco Station in Hill-
sboro which received a national
award in 1999. He continues de-
velopment at his Villabois com-
munity, which received the same
award in 2009. Orenco Station
and Villabois are the only two
master-planned communities in
the Northwest.
Rudy attributes the success of
his company and their vision to
the lessons he used while coach-
ing football. These eight steps de-
fine his philosophy that “you win
with people:”
1. Team building – you succeed
by surrounding yourself with
great people.
2. Take what the defense gives
you – find the path of least resis-
tance. In other words, don’t try
to “swim upstream.” If you face
requirements and restrictions,
don’t waste your time fighting
them, just figure out how to work
within them and make the “cool.”
3. Scouting – know what’s out
there and what works for the de-
mographic of the area you’re in.
Rudy found that places right here
in Portland like Ladd’s Edition
and Laurelhurst, were what most
people wanted.
4. Create a winner – Rudy rec-
ommends everyone read
by Seth Godin. He has em-
braced the principles outlined
in the book about transforming
your business to be remarkable.
Rudy as always lead his company
to “think outside the box.” By do-
ing this, Costa Pacific has stood
out as something different.
5. Recruiting – Rudy believes
in waiting as long as it takes for
the right people and to stop at
nothing to recruit the talent you
really want.
6. Practice like you play – Costa
Pacific homes really focuses on
sales and their sales people and
acquisition and entitlement of-
ficers sales style and customer
relations. They are committed to
practicing and refining their ap-
proach through training and roll
7. Mental imaging – Rudy has
a doctorate in Psychological Ki-
nesiology, which is science of
studying human movement as it
relates to psychological factors.
Rudy’s dissertation focused on
the use of mental imaging and
how repeated mental imaging
practice of a desired outcome can
positively effect, and in essence
affect the desired outcome. By
seeing yourself succeed at a task
in your mind’s eye, you can make
it happen.
8. Be creative on offense – Rudy
cautions against being a
“me too” thinker. He rec-
ommends taking advan-
tage of the resources and
people around you to
stand out from the crowd.
Rudy finished his pre-
sentation by sharing his
recent passion, power
lifting. Rudy’s discovery
of power lifting after un-
dergoing some physical
therapy lead him from
the goal of breaking the
Oregon bench press re-
cord to being the world record
holder of every power lifting
title in his rank category. Rudy
now owns a power lifting stu-
dio in Southeast Portland and
has discovered that many of the
principles that have guided his
life and business over the years
are also the noble truths of a
successful lifter: Check your ego
at the door; Big is not strong,
strong is strong; Set goals; De-
velop a passion around your
goal; Compete against the best;
and Press through the pain!
Lunch.Learn.Link with Rudy Kadlub of Costa Pacific Communities
Above: A receptive crowd gathered for “Lunch” and an inspiring “Learn” talk from
Rudy Kadlub of Costa Pacific Homes
Right: Speaker, Rudy Kadlub of Costa Pacific Homes and Nancy Haskin of the HBA
strike a pose.