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2012-2013 Happy Va l l ey Bus i ness & Commun i t y Di rec tor y • www. hvba .bi z
Happy Valley is no longer the little town-
turned-city that incorporated in 1965. An
astonishing growth rate of 110% under-
scored the past decade — the greatest
percentage of population growth of any city in Oregon.
People came in search of safe neighborhoods and
good schools. They wanted parks and recreation areas
all wrapped up in an urban, yet rural charm. They
found it all here in the place they proudly call home —
Happy Valley.
Old and new blend the city’s historical beginning with
its modern lifestyles. You’ll still find namesake roads,
historical spots and living descendants of our city’s first
pioneers, but this town’s growth would most certainly be
a source of pride and amazement to our early settlers.
The community’s offerings are all-encompassing.
Family-friendly neighborhoods, city parks, green
spaces and walking trails traverse hills and valleys
throughout the residential surroundings, while the busi-
ness corridor is home to excellent medical and dental
care, retail shops and services, grocery stores, financial
institutions and dining choices galore. Parents send
their children to the local award-winning schools of
the North Clackamas School District that include two
new middle schools and three new elementary schools
within Happy Valley.
Residents will appreciate dealing with a very respon-
sive local government. City staff is dedicated to serv-
ing Happy Valley citizens. Each department provides
excellent customer service, and citizen concerns are
quickly addressed and resolved. The City of Happy
Valley is governed by a City Council whose members
are elected by the voters of Happy Valley. The City
Council consists of a Mayor and four City Councilors.
Supporting the city’s administration, citizen advisory
groups consist of volunteer members who serve on
the City’s Planning Commission, Design Review Board,
Finance Committee, Traffic & Public Safety Committee,
Parks Advisory Commission and Juvenile Diversion
Panel. The City also encourages building early commu-
nity involvement with its teenage citizens through the
Happy Valley Youth Council.
HappyValley is a city,
a community and a lifestyle.
A place we proudly call home.
Annual celebrations bring families to events made possible by the city, in partnership with business
sponsors and citizen contributions and volunteers. Geared for family fun, annual favorites grow
bigger and better each year. The 4th of July Family Festival draws thousands of visitors to a day
filled with live music and entertainment, food, amusement rides and a spectacular fireworks display.
Summer Concerts in the Park in July and August finish the summer. Soon after, it’s on to Harvest Fest
and the Christmas Tree Lighting.
Community events are a major part of the city’s civic pride