Page 56 - Happy Valley Guide 2014
P. 56
Happy Medium
With residential and commercial construction on the rise,
the city aims for partnerships that maintain a balance of
livability and employment opportunities.
Happy Valley’s peak growth from 2005-2007 was and Highway 212 to the south. The land use planning
evidenced by its designation as the fastest growing city in and infrastructure improvements in this area includes over
Oregon for a population under 10,000 during those years 70 acres owned by Providence Health Systems with long-
– a designation that may again be the case. This is due to term plans for a future hospital campus; Verne Duncan
the fact that in 2012, the City’s Building Division issued Elementary and Rock Creek Middle schools; and, the 35-
197 single-family residential permits, and at the time of acre Hoodview Park. The
this writing in fall 2013, has thus far issued 227 single- economic diversity of these
family residential permits. These numbers are combined properties illustrates the
with permits for a 124-unit senior living facility on 114th potential employment and
(just north of Sunnyside); and, the plans for an 8,700 development opportunities
square-foot dental ofice building on the northeast corner within this intriguing area. There are
of 114th & Sunnyside. In addition, the City’s Design two distinct tax abatement programs
Review Board has reviewed plans for a 4,000 square-
in place (Strategic Investment Zone and
foot bank proposed just to the east, at 119th an Enterprise Zone).
and Sunnyside. Furthermore, a new 5,800 City parks and green spaces are a key
square-foot commercial building
factor in the livability of a city, and thus,
was developed at Happy Valley
its attraction to residents and employers.
Town Center. Anchored by one of Major open space acquisitions have
the Portland area’s larger grocery occurred by Metro (the regional
stores, Happy Valley Town government) in the greater Scouter’s
Center’s New Season’s has Mountain area. More speciically, Metro
experienced steady sales acquired approximately 100 acres along
growth since its opening.
the western edge of the butte, and
With the expanding level
plans have been approved to
of retail opportunities
construct a picnic shelter
and over two dozen
and trails at the site of the
medical/dental providers, the city anticipates that business previous Boy Scouts of America facility known as Chief
Obie Lodge
will continue to prosper in the city’s center of commerce.
With a wide range of businesses in and around the city, Happy Valley’s City Council, staff and the local business
there’s little need for residents to travel far outside of the community are working together to create a well-planned,
city’s residential neighborhoods for goods, services and balanced and business-friendly city, with a variety of
healthcare. Happy Valley Town Center, Clackamas Town residential, institutional, commercial and industrial
Center, Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center and Providence’s development opportunities. As economic development
Medical Center are all just minutes away. And with the in the city and the region continues, the City of Happy
addition of TriMet’s light rail nearby, Happy Valley’s Valley hopes to attract future employers and service
citizens have every opportunity to be “green consumers.”
providers who realize and appreciate the many amenities
New urban land use designations were adopted in the associated with this area. Working together with residents
City’s ‘Town Center’ area (Sunnyside Road corridor from and current and future business owners, the City aims for
157th to 172nd Avenues) and the Rock Creek Employment partnerships that will provide that all important balance
Center area, a roughly 400-acre district in the southeast of maintaining the City’s livability while providing a broad
corner of the City that is bounded by 152nd Avenue to the array of potential employment opportunities.
west, Rock Creek to the north, 172nd Avenue to the east
46 2014 Happy Valley Business & Community Directory |