The Outlook, The Post, The Estacada News
Friday, September 13, 2013
fall home improvement
othing is more spec-
tacular than the last
explosion of color in
the fall. Classic,
earthy tones of burnt orange,
brown and golden wheat spill
over trees, pasturelands and
across our own backyards.
But the changes in color
aren’t just reserved for the
Inviting them inside, to ap-
preciate their warmth, is like
putting out the welcome mat
to Mother Nature herself.
Savvy decorators know that
altering seasonal adornments
throughout the house doesn’t
require a major investment.
Simple changes in texture and
color among pillows or throws
make a room more inviting
and cozy. Adding a wreath to
the front door or fall leaves
and candles to a fireplace man-
tle set the tone that home real-
ly is where you find your heart.
Embrace the changing sea-
son with these easy, yet inex-
pensive, decorating ideas for
Door stopper
Nothing says “welcome”
more than a festive front
porch. Premade wreaths, with
fall leaves and berries, add a
blast of color to the front door,
paired with potted mums on
the porch steps. Or, attach tall
corn stalks to front porch col-
umns or posts and accent the
arrangement with small
pumpkins and gourds. Swap
out your doormat to reflect
the season by opting for one
made from sturdy earth-toned
A long winter’s nap
Change the color of throw
pillows by sewing an envelope-
style covering slightly larger
than the measurement of the
pillow. Choose from fabrics
like chenille or washable wool
in shades of red, brown or
hunter green. Newer light-
weight blends of fleece make
wonderful throws for the
couch and can be purchased in
ready-to-finish panels.
Straight-stitch around the fab-
ric 5 inches from the edge. Clip
fabric in 2-to 3-inch sections up
to 1 inch from the stitch line.
Tie each section in a knot for a
finished look. You’ll stay warm
on a chilly night.
Eye candy
Normally an area only deco-
rated for the holidays, mantles
often are a centerpiece in the
gathering room. Warm up a
brick or wood mantle with
candles or a floral swag in fall
colors. Place votive candle
cups in a long tray and fill the
tray with fall leaves. Make
sure the leaves rest well below
the top of the candle cup to
prevent fire risk. Drape an au-
tumn garland across the front
of the mantle and arrange
pumpkins or gourds across
the top for a focal point.
The nose knows
Only you will know there
isn’t really an apple pie cook-
ing in the oven if you take ad-
vantage of the array of fall-
scented plug-in air fresheners
or wax burners. Likewise, the
glow of scented candles will
shed instant warmth to any
room during the darker days
ahead. There is something so
comforting about the aroma of
apple-cinnamon, French vanil-
la or anything related to cook-
ies or baked goods, that
makes us think of home.
Festive dining
Most of us don’t think much
about accenting dining areas
until company arrives. But
isn’t any meal with family a
special occasion? Spruce up
the table with seasonal place-
mats or an earth-toned table
runner. To make a simple ta-
ble runner, measure the di-
mensions of the tabletop and
add 2 feet in length. This will
allow a 1-foot overhang on
each end of the table. Decide
how wide you want the runner
and cut a piece of wool tweed
fabric to match your dimen-
sions. To create a fringed bor-
der on the runner, gently pull
individual threads from the
edges until you have a half-
inch border along each long
side and a 3-inch border on
the short sides.
Bringing the harvest season
into your home is actually eco-
nomical, when you consider
the basic décor can be used
through Halloween and
Thanksgiving. Unlike the lim-
ited season for Christmas dec-
orations, ghosts, pumpkins
and pilgrims can easily take
their place among berries,
leaves and fall colors already
scattered about.
Fall is simply a yummy time
of year, with the smell of com-
fort foods and feel of even
comfier clothes. But it’s also a
gentle reminder that the clock
is ticking on leisurely outdoor
activities and it’s time to seek
refuge indoors for winter. In-
vite Mother Nature inside to
sit for a spell.
Karen Schaaf
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Inviting Mother Nature indoors for fall
Story by Anne Endicott
Photos by Jim Clark
Colorful leaves, candles
and other simple ways
will welcome the changing
season inside your home
Above, Mother
Nature’s colors
can adorn a
mantle with a
wreath, silk
leaves and
Left, any family
meal can be a
special occasion
with seasonal
place mats or a
table runner.
Below, welcome
the harvest
season, and your
guests, with a