Paid Obituaries

Families interested in placing a memorial tribute in our newspapers with specific wording and a photo may do so as a paid ad. We are happy to offer writing assistance or to work with your funeral home to produce this as well.




The cost for the tribute will depend on how many words and photos in the

obituary. These tributes are written by the family and can include anything the family desires. Typical information includes: accomplishments, activities, life history, extended family and friends, etc.


In an effort to inform as many of our readers as possible, these obituaries

will appear in the Portland Tribune and at least one of our local newspapers.

An obituary is a final keepsake of your loved ones and provides a memorial tribute of their lives.

Obituary Rates:

Rates include obituary running in the Portland Tribune and one local

newspaper and online at Rates include cost for photo, header, and birth and death dates.


Click Here to see a list of our publications with their contact emails and phone numbers. If you are placing an ad in multiple papers, the representative can quote you for all publications



Sample Paid Obituary Ads - Obituary layout design can vary.

Sample Paid Obituary Ads - Obituary layout design can vary.