Page 3 - Through the Eyes of a Child - Canby Herald 2014
P. 3  | DECEMBER 25, 2013 | PAGE 11|

655 SW 13th Ave. Canby

On Christmas I wake up and feel 
excited. Then my brothers, sisters and parents wake up. We open 
presents together and eat delicious 
food and drink hot cocoa. Then we go to my nana and papa’s.
~ Anna, grade 2
I Like crlistMas because I Like to give My Famoilya prezints and I Like to grol pikcnrs to In cristmas becuas I go to my Grampa and Gramas house and selhbrat my birthday and 513
my Famoily and to My cat to. He gets a pikcnt of him and a bon. ~ Nelly, grade 1
cristmas with my cusins and papa and Gramma. me and my cusins and my broth Snow bal fite.
My fafrit holiday is Christmas Ev because it is ~ Quintin, grade 2  459
my birthday also I get to Lit up the Christmas tree. ~ Logan, grade 1
What I like about the Holidays is having fun
with your Familys and gost having fun.
I like Christmas because my dad and I Like to put up Christmas Lights we put some on our ~ Lucinda, grade 2
Christmas is my fafrit becus the tree’s are up. J. M. Mechanical
staircase when I turn it on it looks so beautiful.
~ Alissa, grade 2 24436 S. Hwy 99E
Serving Canby Since 1977
~ Kate, grade 1 is haveing a snowe ball fight because you get I Like chrismas. because we get to go meet Santa and I Like Chrismas. because we get to Canby, Oregon 97013
to see your friends and you get to make snow
make snowman. and we get to Decerrat the tree. ~ Amanda, grade 2 balls and you get to planyin the snow.
My favrit holiday is new years and christmas. ~ Dylan, grade 1
My favorit thing about the holidays is for the 503-266-3294
I like new years becus- sometimes we stay up till mid night. I like christmas because We can
joy, hope, Love, paece and family.
~ Benja, grade 1 What I like best about holidays is geting pres- have snow ball fights and Pick out our tree.
~ Gracie, grade 2 What I like best about the 
ents from Santa and playing in the snow and
I Like to get presents from Santa claws. And that is what my favorite thing to do.
I like christmas ceer. ~ Kamren, grade 2 Christmas is my Favrit holiday Because you ~ Kiana, grade 1
I love the spirit of Christmas. Which is Jesus’ birthday.
get presents and Santa comes and your friends come over and Play and also help with the Have you evr made a Snoman my favorite part of the holdas is to mack snoman.
~ Hailey, grade 1
Christmas tree. ~ Ryan, grade 2 ~ Olivia, grade 1 Habe you efr thro sobols? be cusifuh sumtis 2513
I Like Christmas because you get presents from Santa. Also because you get to decerat uo slip. ~ Finn, grade 1 9714.12
Your Christmas ordements on yoar christmas tree. ~ Joshua, grade 2 My fave holabay is Christmas because you get Presens. doon you wanbr haeo Santa gets  45
I get two Christmass because we have the normal Christmas. the we go to my Grandmas.
all the prens ondr the tree? ~ Chloe, grade 1 Have you avr son a truk weth sno on the 
Wendo? I have! I love snow! ~ Alfonso, grade 1 then we have snowball fihgts.
My favorite time of the year is Christmas be- cause Santa comes in the nit and gives us ~ Jayden, grade 2
is when you meet with the familys and 
pesis. I love Christmas! ~ Addison, grade 1 Do you Know my favorite part of the Holiday
cousins. I like the food because it might be fresh from where ever it came from. ~ Ayla, grade 2
318 SW 1st St. 
is finding elf on the Shelf in the morning.
is going to my grndmas house to get presents Canby
~ Ella, grade 1
I Like to be With My family dring the Holidays. once I got a model horse, it Looked like this.
~ Elizabeth, grade 2 
~ Dylan, grade 1
My favorit Christmas is git tus.
is you get to see your family! Do you like to see your family? Well I do. ~ Kyra, grade 2 
~ Daphne, grade 1
is when me my cousin and my sister are hav- It was night. Santa
came. They were all
ing a snowball fight (I’m planning to throw a
My Favorite time of Christmas is when I can Look for my Elf on the shelf. ~ Reyce, grade 1 snowball in my cousin’s face).
asleep. Santa had some
My favorite ♥ Part av Christmas is to Play in the snow. Because I get snowballs and I throw
~ Porter, grade 2 Is when everyone comes to my house to big bags. There are 7 stockings up. There were
it in my Brathrs fase! It is Osam!
CELEBRATE! ~ Kai, grade 2 5 presents before Santa got 
~ Hayden, grade 1
I like thanksging dinner and get together, I like to open christmas presents. and look for Star Do you Like the part of Christmas When there. ~ Kortney, grade 2
my elf on the shelf. ~ Keegan, grade 2 because I am a child and childen like holi- Santa comes to deliver you presants? Because I do! I wait every year for christmas to come.
days. ~ Trevin, grade 2 ~ Hunter, grade 1  4
the thing I value about Christmas is that every one gets together and has a great time it’s really
I Love Cresmes BeCus of Jesus Brth.
~ Kyler, grade 1 
You wood nevr know What I do the day before
funny how Santa eat’s your cookies.
~ Tanner, grade 2
Christmas I Sneek in my stoking!
~ Mario, grade 1
is Christmas because I get to open the pres- 
ents. We get to make snow angels in the snow. We make gingerbread house. Also cookies.
At Crismis I get a stocking fole of Presins and a Cande fole of candy. That is my favorite Thing. 
~ Tayla, grade 1 I like Christmas because I like to give pres-
~ Nika, grade 2 What I like about the Holidays is Finding my
1535 S. Ivy St. 
ents to my family and neighbois.
Stocking full of Little Toys also the Big Ones.
Canby, OR 97013 503-266-9810
~ Brooklyn, grade 1
~ Sam, grade 2 I get to see my family and get to play on Kind- I Like Christmas becavse get To singing 
dle fire and play with the dogs. Merry Christmas. ~ Skylah, grade 2 Christmas songs. ~ Gracie, grade 1
I Like Christmas because I see family.
On Christmas me and my family Selebrate Jesus’ BirthDay. We also 
What I like best about the holidays is to have ~ Matt, grade 1
open presents with our family. When we our done opening presents. We all go to church and 
snowball fights with my cousins and watching what the fox says. ~ Logan, grade 2 Snow is fun because. I get to make snowan- gls. ~ Haley, grade 1
do our Christmas play. Then we get our presents from our paster 
Is when My whole family gets together and plays uno. We always Play chutes and ladders. I Like Santa claus he is awesome.
~ Hayden, grade 1
Than we go to our grandmas house and Play with toys.
We have a great time. ~ Zoey, grade 2 I lake Christmas I get to make snoman with ~ Elise, grade 2
Is when my family comes to spend time with me on Christmas Eve. And on Chistmas I go to my Sister and my brother. ~ Angelo, grade 1
I Like making Snowballs with my family.
my grandmas house to celebrate Christmas with my grandma too. ~ Alyssa, grade 2 ~ Sophia, grade 1
I Like to Open Presents with my family.
Is when me and my family open presents on ~ Isabel, grade 1
christmas and snow angels and Put christmas
I Lice having Snowball fights with my friends. ~ Hunter, grade 1 decorations on the Christmas tree.
Millar’s Hiway
I Like Santas Reindeer because they are good at flying. ~ Caleb, grade 1 ~ Taylor, grade 2
I’m thankful for my cousins. And I like christ- 1175 SE 1st
I like Christmas Because We get together
mas. Also I Like Presents. ~ Liam, grade 2 Canby
around the thee and sing school song.
~ Jaden, grade 1
My family make cookies and my Dad go to the
store to buy Milk and my sisters bug a cake.
I Like snow because I get to make snowballs. ~ Colby, grade 1 ~ Cisse, grade 2 Is that we make chocolate cake on Chrismas, Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm • Sat 7:30am-3pm
I Like Christmas Because I Like to have
chocolate frosting too! This Chrismas we got a What I like best about the holidays 
bigger Christmas tree my mom get’s me and my sister Christmas ordaments every year! That is
Snowball fights with my DaD and MOM!
~ Caitlyn, grade 1
is when I get to spend time with 
I Like throwing Snow balls at my DaD.
~ Gaige, grade 1
What I like the best of the holidays.
~ Brenna, grade 2
my family and why I love spending time with them is that they can 
I like to give Santa mill and cookies.
Is that you can spend time with your family. make cookies with me gingerbread house and then it 
~ Emma, grade 1
~ Owen, grade 2 Is making snow forts and making Hot choco-
I Like to do snowball fitdsevre Christmas.
~ Matteo, grade 1 I Love Christmas because Santa said Alle I late and spending time with my Family.
~ Ben, grade 2
~ Cianna, grade 2
Love you. ~ Alle, grade 1 You can Play snowball fight in Winter. But Put  459515
I Love Chrismas becase I get presents. I want a flut! ~ Anna, grade 2 on a lot of Warm stuff on. even pants.
~ Breanna, grade 2 
My favrot theg about Christmas is speding time with my family. Sometimes if it’s snowy on Is crimes because one time my frends moked 10 cuooeys for ther nabrs I hop they do it a gin. 
Christmas me and sister have a snow ball fight. ~ Morgan, grade 1
~ Koen, grade 2 When chritmas comes I like it When Mommy I like presents and Christmas trees.
~ Logan, kindergarten
1150 S. Ivy 
bakes cookies. When I get my presents that is
one of m y favorite Parts.
I like the presents and I like the tree, the games and the snowflakes.
~ Logan, grade 2 ~ Tatum, kindergarten 503-266-2761
I Like christmas because the presents and spending time with my family. and decerateing
I Like opening presents and Christmas cook-
ies. I like Christmas carols.
the tree.
~ Larry, kindergarten
~ Katherine, grade 2 I like Making snowmen and opening presents. What I like best about the Holidays 
I like christmas because you get to see your ~ Connor, kindergarten is because when it is a few days before Christmas me and my 
family. And you get presints. ~ Trinity, grade 2 Every year I go hiking in the winter at cyote I like Christmas trees and decorating Christ-
mas trees, and presents.
brother Owen make cookies with 
waLL in SW Wa. ~ Rhett, grade 2 I Like christmas because I like to play in the
~ Ceira, kindergarten
I like presents under the tree. I like opening
my antie Alyssa. This year me and my brother decorated our cookies 
Snow. I also like to decorate the tree.
present. I want a bike.
good. Thats way I like the hoidays!
~ Patricia, grade 2
~ Andrew, grade 2
My favorite part of christmas is decorating the ~ Savanna, kindergarten I like presents under the Christmas tree.
tree. I also like getting presents.
~ Luke, grade 2 ~ Emily, kindergarten I like Christmas trees, decorations and open- and I like the Christmas tree.
I like spending time with my mommy and 45953
I Like giving Presents and getting Presents. I
ing presents. ~ Michelle, kindergarten ~ Megan, kindergarten
daddy on Christmas Eve. ~ Cody, grade 2 What i like about cristmase is when we open The Christmas tree and Santa Claus.
I like Christmas trees and I like making cook-
the Preset’s. And decret the tree. And go to
also like spending time with my family.
~ Riley, grade 2
ies with my mom and my grandma.
~ Maya, kindergarten
I want a brown pony toy. My dad is getting a uther PePoles howes to get more Present’s.
~ Hanna, kindergarten
i like about the Holidays is Beeing with my family. ~ Atlai, grade 2 I like chocolate cookies just like Santa likes. tree to put in the house. ~ David, kindergarten ~ Zahara, grade 2 
For christmas my fammly gets to gether with ~ Cruz, kindergarten I like Santa and putting Christmas lights up on my house. I like playing in the snow. I like when
I Like the Snow becus it is so fun to play in it.
I like opening presins becus you git now stuf.
my causens house. Then We Open Presents After We oPen Presents We go outsida of the I like Christmas trees with lights. I like cookies and presents. ~ Jonah, kindergarten Santa brings me presents.
~ Timmy, kindergarten
~ Catherine, grade 2 I Like best about the halidays is when it 
hous to Play. ~ Jeremiah, grade 2 Christmas si my favrit holiday bechus I can git I like cookies and Santa. I like presents and Christmas trees. ~ Eli, kindergarten
I like unwrapping toys I also like to sit in snow’s cus that’s when you can make snow 
Peresint’s most of all bechus it’s fun tow go owt-
I Like Christmas Trees and presents.
Santa’s lap. ~ Hailey, kindergarten I like presents and snow and snowmen. My
man and snow enjels and have a snow ball fite. ~ Katrina, grade 2 
sid and make snomans. and sno anJols.
~ Desi, grade 2
~ Noah, kindergarten
I like Santa Claus. And I like presents and mom likes to do snowballs together.
~ Charlie, kindergarten
What I like about christmas is opening pres- ents. ~ Ryan, grade 2
I like christmas bkus we spen christmas lif my fere frs we opin are presents then we spen wif cookies. ~ Brady, kindergarten
I like opening presents and playing in snow. What I Like Best about Chrimas is opening I like best is to have time with my family.
are fere christmas wach christmas moevi.
I like to have snowball fights with my firends ~ Eugene, kindergarten presents with my brother. ~ Kristian, grade 2 What I lik Best about the Holidays bat ber ar ~ Jessie, grade 2
~ Sean, grade 2
and bilued snow forts. ~ Joe, grade 2
I like the presents and star on top of the tree
fame. ~ Adan, grade 2

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