Page 8 - REMODEL 2012_flipper

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R E MO D E L P O R T L A N D M A G A Z I N E |
2 0 12 S t a n d a r d T V & A p p l i a n c e T o u r o f R e m o d e l e d H o m e s
| H B A p d x . o r g
Research remodelers in the area
The Home Builders
Association has a directory of reputable local remodel-
ers who can turn your dreams into a reality. See page 34 for a
complete list or visit
Meet/speak with several remodelers
discuss vision and obtain cost quotes.
Select a remodeler and set up a
preconstruction meeting
The preconstruction meeting provides an opportunity for
you and your remodeler to discuss all the guidelines and rules
for your project. The more information you convey early on,
the smoother and more pleasant your experience is likely to
be. To the right is a checklist of things to be covered
> > > >
Steps to
take and
questions to
ask to make
sure your
Thinking of a
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