Page 25 - Readers Choice 2014 - Gresham Outlook & Sandy Post
P. 25

January 2014

Best Bakery Jazzy Bagels also great for lunch

Exterior recently redone, new 

tables and chairs coming soon

Pamplin Media Group

When Kevin and Kathy Conord decided 
Kevin Conord,
to open a bagel shop 15 years ago, they
owner of Jazzy
looked for loca- 
tions from Port- Bagels, is
2014 Readers’ land to Vancou- celebrating 15
ver, Wash., for years in
n Best Bakery
about a year, but 
kept coming back Gresham.
Jazzy Bagels, 5 E. to Gresham.
Powell Blvd., Gresham Kathy grew up in BEVERLY CORBELL
503-665-9191 Gresham, Kevin the downtown area.
said, and they loved “Now there are more people downtown and
“We were the first change of use since
the look and feel of
more restaurants, which actually helps other 1903,” Conord said.
the city’s old downtown. Bagel shops were restaurants,” he said.
Conord and his wife never had operated a
hot back then, and Portland and Vancouver More than a bakery, Jazzy Bagels is open business before, and it helps that he was a 
already had them, so they chose Gresham.
seven days a week and serves lunch sand- mechanic in his earlier life and has been able 

Conord said he’s grateful that readers se- wiches and breakfast snacks. It plans to soon to do all his own maintenance, including re- 
lected their family-owned business.
start serving homemade breads for sale both furbishing used bagel makers and other 14
“I think it’s great,” he said. “We’ve put a lot in house and at the Gresham Farmers Mar- equipment.
of effort into quality products and to have a ket.
With 10 employees, Conord said he’s proud 2.R
comfortable and clean place that people can The business recently went through an ex- that Jazzy Bagels was selected as the 2014 399
come to and meet their friends.”
terior renovation by the owner, Richard Dow- Readers’ Choice for Best Bakery.
Gresham has changed for the better since sett, whose family operated the Gresham “It’s rewarding to be appreciated, not only 
Jazzy Bagels opened its doors, Conord said, Rexall Drug store in the location for many by everyday customers, but by the commu- 
thanks to improvements the city has made to
years, going back to the start of the last cen-
nity as a whole,” he said.

for voting Soroptimist 

International of Gresham (SIG) 

the 2014 Best Service Club.

Soroptimist is a coined Latin word our time, talents, and inancial re- 
meaning “best for women,” and sources to enrich our communities. 

that’s what our club strives to Each year we present a minimum
achieve. We believe
of $8,500 in schol- 
in dreams and the arships to women 

collective power of and girls and, for 
o t e d B e s t R e s t a u r a n t working together to 31 years, we have 4
achieve them. The sponsored the an- 339
89 R
for Appetizers!
SIG Vision is to be nual Teddy Bear C0
the voluntary or- Parade in Gresham. 114
ganization chosen Our current service 

by individuals com- projects include 
mitted to improve GirlStrength and 
Voted Best Place to the lives of women Free the Girls.

Take Your Date!
and girls. We share

You too can be a part of the 2014 Best Service Club. Join 

us at noon on any Thursday at The Elks Club on the cor- 
21935 NE Halsey Ste. 100, Fairview, OR 97024
ner of 257th and Division. For more information visit our 

website at

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