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July 18, 2013
Beaverton Valley Times
Particularly when summer rolls
around, the Tualatin Hills Park and Rec-
reation District’s numerous facilities are
pretty popular among those familiar with
them. That still leaves plenty of newer res-
idents and those who for whatever reason
have never taken the time to explore what
the district has to offer.
That’s where the eighth annual Party in the
Park comes in.
The day-long event on Saturday, July 27, is
the district’s way of saying thank you to the
community while giving the uninitiated a
chance to check out the activities and facili-
ties available at the sprawling Howard M. Ter-
penning Recreation Complex at Southwest
158th Avenue and Walker Road.
“This is one way for us to thank the com-
munity for helping to make us a successful
park district,” says Bob Wayt, the park dis-
trict’s communications director. “By offering
so many free activities, anybody can partici-
pate and have fun. Not only does it provide us
with an opportunity for patrons to see our fa-
cilities, they also get to use them: the sports
fields, tennis courts and Olympic-size swim-
ming pool.
“We hope everybody has a positive experi-
ence and will want to come back on some
other day and bring family members and
friends with them,” he adds.
Admission is free for Party in the Park,
which will feature events including the Bea-
verton International Celebration, The Classic
at T-Hills car show and the Family Triathalon
amidst a carnival-like atmosphere with activi-
ties for all ages and interests. Swimming and
drop-in sports — including outdoor tennis,
flag football, badminton, volleyball and pickle
Successful ‘formula’ fuels this party
Tony Shappall drives his motorized replica of a 1927 Radio Flyer red wagon off the soccer field at the conclusion of The Classic at T-Hills car show during a previous Party in the Park.
Event allows park district to thank community in festive environment
See PARTY / Page 4