FEBRUARY 22, 2013
Oregon State University
2013 Oregon Stater Engineering Awards
FEBRUARY 22, 2013
MeaganR. Bozeman
eagan Bozeman was an All-
America Scholar athlete in her
basketball career at George Fox
University. She was also the first female to
complete GFU’s joint degree engineering
programwith Oregon State University.
She earned a B.S. in applied science in
“ e challenging coursework and team
project experiences at Oregon State built a
foundation for solving technical problems
in an organized, disciplined and
collaborative way,” says Bozeman.
Upon graduating, Bozeman went to
work at Tektronix in Portland. Xerox
became her employer after Tektronix’s
color printing and imaging division was
purchased by the company in 2000.
“I have been fortunate to work with
many dedicated and innovative
individuals while at Xerox,” says
Bozeman. “ e home grown solid ink
technology that goes into our printers
enables customers to produce beautiful
and affordable prints with incredible ease
of use and less impact on the
environment. Having the opportunity to
spread this message around the world via
speaking engagements and conferences
has been a great privilege.”
B.S. Mechanical Engineering ’97
Director of AdvancedDevelopment
Supplies Strategy&Sustainability for
Solid Ink
Xerox Corporation
Wilsonville, Oregon
“I have been
fortunate to
and innovative
while at Xerox.“
FEBRUARY 22, 2013
Nancy E. Adcock
ancy Adcock practiced teamwork
in her role on the OSUwomen’s
basketball team, and it has served
her well in her mechanical engineering
During her undergraduate studies,
Adcock completed two internships with
The Boeing Company and Freightliner
through OSU’s Multiple Engineering
Cooperative Program (MECOP). “The
College of Engineering preparedme for
the professional world by providing
challenging classes on an individual level
as well as a team level,” says Adcock.
“ ese opportunities made the transition
to the workforce seamless.”
After graduating, Adcock returned to
The Boeing Company as a structural
analyst with the 777 jet fuselage group,
and was named 2011 Engineer of the Year
for her work on that project.
She earned a masters degree in
mechanical engineering fromUniversity
of Washington in 2009.
Adcockmentors MECOP interns and is
the Boeing representative for a Boeing/
Oregon State collaborative mechanical
engineering design class. “I have had the
opportunity to be part of an excellent
Oregon State team at Boeing,” says
Adcock. “I consider this an ongoing
highlight of my career.”
B.S. Mechanical Engineering ’01
Lead Structural Analyst
The Boeing Company
Everett, Washington
She earned a
masters degree
FEBRUARY 22, 2013
Daniel J. DiSpaltro
an Di Spaltro digitized his
entrepreneurial parents’ mailing
services company in 2001 as
sophomore in high school, and his future
was cast. He headed to Oregon State with
his eyes set on computer science and his
future imprinted by the university’s
Open Source Lab.
“Oregon State’s open ethos drove my
success professionally and personally,”
says Di Spaltro. “It’s interesting how
much impact an open culture can have
on the planet. Incredible innovations are
being made both in the business and
academic world thanks to Open Source.”
Di Spaltro started working at IBM after
graduating, but he left the company and
joined two other Oregon State graduates
to develop the start-up Cloudkick,
which focused on how the IT world
managed and monitored servers in the
Cloud. Rackspace Hosting, Inc.
purchased their company in 2011 and Di
Spaltro now runs its San Francisco office.
“Building a company from scratch is
meaningful,” says Di Spaltro. “Since
Cloudkick and Rackspace merged, we
have added 2,000 employees around the
world and created jobs leading to a lot of
Beavers finding a home down in San
B.S. Computer Science ’07
Director of Product
San Francisco, California
Heheaded to
withhis eyes set
on computer
science andhis
future imprinted
by the
OpenSource Lab.
Council of
Photograph courtesy Oregon State University