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NOvEMBEr, 2012
On Friday September 28 over
60 members and a handful of
HBA endorsed candidates partici-
pated in the first PAC Par 3 Pitch
& Putt fundraiser at McMenamins
Edgefield. It was a beautiful day
for lunch, a drink and a fun round
of golf. The event raised over
$1,500 for our PAC to be used in
political races this fall. Thanks to
ProBuild for sponsoring lunch,
Paulson’s Floor Coverings for
sponsoring drinks and Ferguson
for sponsoring prizes. We look
forward to doing this event again
What you may have missed at recent HbA
events. Don’t miss out on upcoming events,
see what’s in store for November on page 4!
Members get their game on while
supporting the PAC.
Steve Frazier of Contract Fur-
nishings Mart once again cre-
ated a delicious dinner for HBA
members and their guests on
Thursday, October 11 during the
triumphant return of the Salmon
Bake and All Member Dinner. The
Salmon Bake, a former annual
event, had been on hiatus since
2008. Over 80 guests enjoyed the
evening of fire-baked salmon by
Steve and enticing side dishes
by Celebrate! Catering. Gordon
root, HBA President, was MC for
the night, announcing the up-
coming Membership Drive and
inviting members to attend the
last of this year’s HBA events. The
evening concluded with the an-
nouncement of the 2013 Board of
Director election results. Thank
you to everyone who came out,
and a special thank you to Steve
Frazier, Contract Furnishings
Mart, and Quick-Step for bringing
back the Salmon Bake! Don’t miss
the PrO Turkey Fry on December
19, when Steve Frazier will once
again don his apron and deep fry
over 30 turkeys for HBA members
and their guests!
For a full list of
our new Board Members please
see page 5.
Salmon Bake Returns: Steve Frazier pleases
crowd again at annual HBA Salmon Bake
New PAc Par 3 Pitch & Putt event a success
Salmon roasts in the sunshine of one of
the last summer-like days of the year.
Steve Frazier looks on as his masterwork
sends a delicious smell through the HBA park-
ing lot.