Page 9 - Washington County Fall Arts Guide -2014
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working • Spoken Word • Visual Art • Workshops
Creative Hillsboro provides the genealogy and research. 10am to adult singers and acoustic instrument County, featuring storytelling, music, IN
opportunity to spend time on your own 12pm. Hillsboro Main Library. Free. players gather to sing and play popular demonstrations and more from times G
creative project while getting to know 615-6500.
pop and folk songs of the through the ages. 10am to 11pm. TO
■ October 1
the local creative community. 5:30 to 1960s-1970s. 6:30 to 8pm. Cedar Mill Washington County Museum. $6 N
8:30pm. Primrose and Tumbleweeds. Heritage: Free Family Day features Library. Free. 644-0043.
admission to the faire. $15 admission  C
Music: Indalo Wind performs eclectic Free.
exhibits, hands-on activities, and more. to the ball.
instrumentals, serving up a fresh 10am to 1pm. Washington County ■ October 14, 21, 28
acoustic blend of folk, blues and jazz, ■ October 7
Museum. Free. ■ October 18 and 19
seasoned with a variety of international
Visual Art: Artist Royce Kugler  A
flavors. 7 to 8:30pm. Tigard Public Visual Art: First Tuesday Art Walk. This
demonstrates her techniques in a Visual Art: See art in the making at 40
Library. Free. 718-2517.
monthly event features gallery Music: The Tualatin Valley Harmony small class giving students the artists’ studios during the Washington TS
openings around Downtown Hillsboro. Masters present “Thanks for the opportunity to have one-on-one County Open Studios Tour. Pick up a  
■ October 2
5 to 7pm. Sequoia Gallery + Studios, Memories” a 40th anniversary show. 2 instruction. Beginners to advanced free tour map, artist and gallery guide GU
Literary Arts: Share your writing Walters Cultural Arts Center, and 7 pm. Glencoe High School. students. 1 to 4pm every Tuesday. at participating locations. 11am to ID
projects and receive feedback from Washington County Museum. Free.
Sequoia Gallery + Studios. $35/class. 5pm. Various locations. Free. E 
peers in this writers’ group. New 693-0401.
Visual Art: Featured artist Nancy  S
members are welcome to join. ■ October 8
Cuevas holds a reception to celebrate ■ October 15
■ October 19
6:30pm. North Plains Public Library. her latest work. 6 to 9pm. Art on PT
Free. 647-5051.
Music: 2jazzguitars will perform new
Broadway. Free.
Heritage: “From the Halls of
Heritage: See how the pioneers made
■ October 3
arrangements of songs from around Montezuma to the Hunt for Poncho cider with antique, hand-cranked MB
the world including Africa, Cuba, Music: Molly’s Revenge, a dynamic, Villa” is the topic at the monthly presses and sample the results at the E
Visual Art: Gather with creative people France, Sweden and other countries. 7 acoustic Celtic band, performs as part Crossroads Lecture Series. 12 to 1pm. Cedar Mill Cider Festival. 1 to 4pm. R 
and discuss ideas about art. You are to 8:30pm. Tigard Public Library. Free. of the 2nd Saturday Concert Series in Washington County Museum. $6 John Quincy Adams Young House. Free. —
invited to bring your work to share. This 718-2517.
Tualatin. 7:30 to 10:30pm. Winona adults, $4 seniors, children, students, 645-6433.
is not a critique session. No registration Grange. $15-20. and military. O
necessary. 9 to 10:30am. Panera ■ October 10
■ October 21
Film: The F.I.L.M. series runs the
Spoken Word: Professional storyteller
Bread. Free.
Music: The first installment of Pacific Heritage: “Dial ‘M’ for Murder in B
Dance: Join in a live music Ceili (Kay- second Friday of each month and University’s 2014-15 Performing Arts Washington County” features local Chetter Galloway shares suspenseful ER
lee) Mor which features energetic Irish features award-winning or critically- Series features “The von Trapps: The historian Ken Bilderback teaming up stories from African American Folklore  2
dancing. No experience required. 8 to acclaimed foreign, independent films Sound of Music Continues.” 7:30pm. with Bag&Baggage Productions for a just in time for Hallow’s Eve. 7 pm. 0
11pm. Winona Grange. $10, $8 followed by an optional and informal Taylor-Meade Performing Arts Center at murder-mystery event based on actual Walters Cultural Arts Center. Free. 615- 14
discussion. 6 to 8pm. Hillsboro Main Pacific University. $24. 352-2918.
events in local history. 6:30 to 8pm. 3485.

veterans and students. Library. Free. 615-6500.
Washington County Museum. $6 ■
■ October 12
October 23
■ October 3-5
Music: Jazz virtuoso Toni Lincoln advance, $10 at the door. Workshop: Learn strategies for self-
performs with Ron Steen, Dave Workshop: Smart Phone Art 2. Further
employed artists, including how to 
Visual Art: Celebrate the Gifts features
Captein, and Tom Grant. 7:30pm. information and practice with photo ■ October 17
develop your niche and market your 
more than 60 visual artists. 7 to 9pm Walters Cultural Arts Center. $15 manipulation using your iphone, ipad, unique value at “Seven Business 
October 3. 10am to 6pm October 4. advance. $20 day of show. 615-3485.
etc. Photos go from ordinary to Visual Art: Gather with creative people 
10am to 4pm October 5. Calvin extraordinary. Class for students who and discuss ideas about art. You are Principles for Artists.” 4 to 6pm. 
Presbyterian Church. $5 admission ■ October 10 - 12
have taken Smart Phone Art 1 invited to bring your work to share. This Walters Cultural Arts Center. $25. 
Friday only. Free.
Literary Arts: Authors and experts previously. 9am to 4pm. Sequoia is not a critique session. No registration
speak about geology and more at the Gallery + Studios. $95. necessary. 9 to 10:30am. Panera ■ October 24.
■ October 4, 11, 18, 25
34th Annual Portland Regional Rock
Bread. Free.
Literary Arts: Local authors of every
Workshop: This four-week workshop
and Mineral Show. 10am to 6pm Visual Art: Join artist Lisa Griffen at a Music: The Portland Cello Project flavor will gather for “Bards & Brews” 
with Learn English and Spanish Friday and Saturday. 10am to 5pm reception for her show of mixed media performs a lively concert and tries to to share their works in a series of talks 
through the Arts (LESTA) features mask Sunday. Washington County paintings running through October. 2 to expand popular notions of cello music. and readings. 7 to 9pm. Primrose and 
making and culminates in a Fairgrounds. $5 adults. 4pm. Village Gallery of Arts. Free. 644- 7:30pm. Walters Cultural Arts Center. Tumbleweeds. Free.
performance for Dia de los Muertos. 2
$15 advance. $20 day of show. 615- 
to 4pm. LESTA Studio. $50/4 weeks. 3485.
■ October 25
■ October 11
■ October 13
Workshop: Smart Phone Art 1. Learn
Music: Pacific University’s Music Music: Dr. Eliot Grasso explains Irish
■ October 5
how to manipulate your photos with Spoken Word: Creative Conversations,
Department presents its Fall Choral music and performs on the Uilleann 
downloaded applications and turn your a monthly event hosted by Creative Concert, featuring the University pipes, Irish flute, fiddle and whistle. 
Film: Screening of “Black Girl In
photos into works of art. Great class Hillsboro, features the discussion, “Best Chamber Singers and Concert Choir 2pm. Beaverton Library Auditorium. 
Suburbia,” the feature debut Practice Financial Management for ensembles. 7:30pm. Taylor-Meade $15 general admission, $9 seniors and 
documentary from Hillsboro resident for beginners with Kat Sloma. 9am to Creatives.” 7 to 9pm. Primrose and students.
Melissa Lowery. 2pm. Hillsboro Main 4pm. Sequoia Gallery + Studios. $95. Tumbleweeds. Free. creativehillsboro. Performing Arts Center. $7 adults. $5 
Library. Free. 615-6500.
seniors and youth. 352-2918.
■ October 26
Heritage: The Genealogical Society of ■ October 18
Music: The Tualatin Valley Community
■ October 6
Washington County, Oregon meets ■ October 14
Calendar Visual Art: “Creative Play” hosted by
Heritage: The Time Traveler’s Market
continued on page 10
monthly to discuss issues related to
Music: At the monthly “Song Circle,”
Faire and Ball returns to Washington

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