Page 12 - Chehalem Business Connection December 2013
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Chehalem Business Connection December 2013
Establishing a sense of place
New sign, website look to create a recognizable identity for the city of Dundee
or Dundee, it’s more “We already built (a new
than just a sign, it’s website) four years ago. We
part of an effort to wanted a website that was
re-brand the city as a desti- easier to maintain, but in
nation and instill a recogniz- order to do that it was much
able image.
more expensive than we
So recognizable that budgeted four years ago,”
Dundee Mayor Ted Craw- Crawford said.
ford said he hopes if some- So the revamped website
one was transported blind- is now easier to maintain
folded to Dundee, they and “keeps content fresh.”
would know where they are “We worked to build the
based on the imagery they website to
see on local signs.
show off
“I’m actually really
“(I wanted) an iconic, rec- quite pleased. It’s an branding,
ognizable logo for Dundee, and be
attractive way to
to establish a sense of welcome people to more flex-
place,” Crawford said.
ible with
the city.”
A new welcome sign was news and events rather than
installed at First Street and just general information,” he
Highway 99W and consists said. “It’s driven by events
of a colorful depiction of the in the area.”
Dundee hills and river, This is in part to portray
framed by a wine glass. The Dundee as a base for opera-
logo’s graphic is being used tions, he said. The maps on
for both city and tourism A steel and stone sign was erected in early November on the northeastern entrance to Dundee near First Street.
the site show surrounding But Donna Morris of the the city and the DHWA. With some funds remaining,
purposes, but Crawford said wineries and places to visit,
Dundee Hills Winegrowers “We thought Dundee and
he said he hopes to replace
the hill and river graphic is with Dundee as a focal the Dundee hills really need- Association (DHWA) said the chain link fence with a
only framed by a wine glass point.
ed a way to know you’re en- she thinks the sign turned wooden one and finish land-
for the tourism aspect; when tering the beautiful area,” “For if you want to stay out wonderfully.
scaping the area.
it represents the city, the “I’m actually really quite Morris said. “We thought it “There’s about 60 to 70 for more than an afternoon
same graphic is framed by a pleased,” she said. “It’s an made a great deal of sense to feet still (covered) with St. of wine tasting,” Crawford
attractive way to welcome partner (with the city).”
John’s wort and blackber- said.
“I’ve already had push- For more information
people to the city.”
ries,” he said.
Crawford said the DHWA
back from citizens who are While the entire re-brand- contributed $5,000 toward The city’s re-brand also about Dundee or to see the
unhappy with a wine glass ing was a city effort, the sign the total $20,000 needed for includes a revamped web- new brand, visit
on the sign,” he said.
was a collaboration between
the sign and landscaping.
Being your own boss: Getting your freelance or small business off the ground
t’s one of the greatest good part, there’s plenty of work “Start with your immediate money doesn’t matter as much
American dreams. You to create the foundation of a suc- network,” said Shawn O’Mara, when you’re first starting out;
make your own hours and cessful business. senior partner at design firm you need to concentrate on
choose your own clients, while
Today, there are many new Ocreations, who earned his asso- building your portfolio.”
doing what you love and getting tools to get you started on the ciate of applied science degree in Another great way to build
paid for it.
right track, but they are still Visual Communications from your portfolio is to contact non
based on tried and true princi- The Art Institute of Pittsburgh in profit organizations.
Starting your own small or
1991. “Do you have an uncle freelance business can be an em- “Non-profits usually do not
who owns a pizza shop? Offer to powering and life-altering expe- There’s no such thing as too
Please read more about own boss
create a new logo for him. The
rience, but before you get to the
much networking.
on page thirteen