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Change the World

OHSU Lecture Series and Resource Fair

OHSU and OMSI are hosting a series of insightful and provocative lectures in conjunction with the BODY WORLDS 3 exhibit. Before and after each lecture there will be time for attendees to talk to the experts, as well as visit the resource fair displays in the lobby and Great Hall of the auditorium.

Te lecture series will present OHSU experts discussing the latest break-throughs in health and medicine for all Oregonians — children, teens, adults, and seniors. Anyone who is interested in the most current health research information and how it can change each and every Oregonian should attend. No pre-registration is required.

OHSU (Old Library) Auditorium – 7 p.m.

Resource Fair in lobby and Great Hall – one hour before and after talks

Four thousand middle- and high-school students from rural and under-served parts of Oregon will visit Port-land this fall for an extraordinary health sciences learning opportunity. Science in the City is a one-time-only overnight program featuring close engagement with the entire BODY

WORLDS 3 exhibit, as well as related, school-based instruction provided by health science educators. Created in partnership by OMSI and OHSU, Sci-ence in the City seeks to inspire a broad and diverse audience of young students from across the state.

Science in the City

Students From Across Oregon

Descend Upon Portland

A day in the life of the human body: im-pulses in the brain clock in at 250 mph; hairs in the ear, 1/10,000th the thickness of a strand of hair on our heads, quiver as they facilitate hearing; and a red blood cell races through 100 miles of veins, ar-teries, and capillaries.

Discover the story beneath the skin in Te Human Body, a giant-screen flm that is a dramatic combination of live action, computer-generated graphics, microscopy, the latest medical imaging, and cutting-edge cinematic techniques. Te result is a flm that helps us under-stand the biological changes experienced by a real family.

In astonishing detail, this large for-mat flm presents a look at the biologi-cal processes that go on without our control, and often without our notice. Troughout the flm, we follow a family from dawn to dusk as they go about their daily routines. But this is no ordinary story. Tis is the tale of what takes place beneath the skin—a tale that allows us to see the extraordinary accomplishments of our everyday lives.

Te flm is co-produced by Discovery Pictures/BBC, in conjunction with the Maryland Science Center and the Sci-ence Museum, London.

OMNIMAX Giant-Screen Film

The Human Body

Opens June 7 • Running Time 40 Minutes

ShOWtiMes at

Ever wondered what you look like from the inside? Students entering grades 6–8 can fnd out this July in the Brains and Veins class. Te fve-day classes include in-depth explorations of the BODY WORLDS 3 exhibit, as well as an all-

day feld trip to OHSU, where students will tour the campus and interact with medical doctors and scientists. Students interested in the health care professions won’t want to miss this one-time-only class.

Explore Your Own Body’s World

Brains and Veins Class

July 9-13 and 23-27 • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. • Grades 6-8

$225 members; $270 nonmembers

Call 503.797.4662 or Visit to register today!

TuesdaY, June 19

Change the World, One Child at a Time by a panel of OHSU experts: Drs. Dolores Orfanakis, (commu-nity pediatrician), Jef Koh (Do-ernbecher), and Prashant Gagneja (SOD); introduced by Nancy Stue-ber, President of OMSI.

TuesdaY, JulY 17

Change the World, One Teen at a Time by a panel of OHSU experts: Drs. Michelle Berlin, (Women’s Health), Linda Stork (Pediat-rics), and Bonnie Nagel (Psychiatry) introduce by Chloe Hauser, host of PDX 49’s Entertain-ment Zone.

TuesdaY, August 21

Change the World, One Adult at a Time by a panel of OHSU ex-perts: Drs. Brian Druke (Cancer), Sonja Conn (Nutrition), and Jonath Emens (Sleep) introdu by Dr. Jef Stewart (SOD

Tuesday, September 18 Change the World, One Senior at a Time by a panel of OHSU ex-perts: Drs. Jefrey Kaye, (Aging and Alzheimers), Joanna Cain (Womens Health) and Robert Johnson (SOD), introduced by Paul Linman, media personality.

Te lectures are geared to the general public and will feature re-searchers and practicing clinicians. Te goal is to show the latest and

best research in biomedi-cine and how that

irectly affects the well-being of each and every Orego-nian, of all ages.

Portland Tribune and Community Newspapers | June 5, 2007 | B O D Y W O R L D S 3 | 27

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