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April 10, 2013
Your Answer Guide -
Mayor Jeremy Ferguson
Ferguson took office in January 2009 and has been a
member of the city’s budget committee since 2006. He
serves on the board of directors for the American Red Cross
and applies his passion for emergency preparedness to cre-
ate healthy and resilient neighborhoods.
Council President David Hedges
Hedges was born and raised in London. He served for
over 30 years as a police officer there, retiring as a detective.
His wife’s family has lived in Milwaukie since the 1970s, and
Hedges moved here in 2006.
Councilor Scott Churchill
Churchill was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and
has lived in Milwaukie for the past seven years. He had
served as a Milwaukie Planning Commissioner for more than
six and a half years before being elected to Council in
November 2012.
Councilor Mark Gamba
Gamba, born and raised in Colorado and living in Oregon
for over 18 years, has worked all over the world as a photog-
rapher with many assignments from National Geographic. His
intention is to help make Milwaukie more livable now and in
the future.
Councilor Mike Miller
Miller grew up in Siletz Oregon, graduated from Siletz High
School, and Oregon State University. He was elected in
2010, and served as a member of the City’s Budget
Committee and as a Planning Commissioner before being
elected as a councilor.
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Milwaukie City Council